Thursday, March 15, 2012

Langara College map

Langara campus located in the central area of Vancouver where is near 49th ave & langara college station of Canada line. The transportation is quiet convenient which is even better than UBC campus.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Food Court Experience

It must be the only place that disappointed us in the Langara campus-----foot court. The first time we came here, it had already passed the lunch time, so this time we came here at 10:30 in order to try some food in the canteen. However, the reality hit us on the noses. The options for food are scarce and what they have is only fast food, such as subway, burger and pizza. Moreover, the worse thing is the high price. I ordered a chicken burger combo and it cost me over 10 dollars which is only 8 dollars in the MacDonald’s. Compared to it, UBC’s sub is much better, let alone our UBC’s village, which would be a gourmet paradise to most of UBC students. Meanwhile, we also felt that the canteen was too small and crowded.

A Small Table Card

We found there's small cards like this on every table in the library. It says if we have any question for the library but do not want to leave the seat, we can just text to librarian for help. They will answer you if you can copy a textbook; about the library hours, about APA citations or even you can ask questions about any of your own writing stuff. I think everybody who ever studied in this library and benefit from this text service would no doubt back this library again. If I were a Langara College student, I would be proud of this smart and humanized high-tech library.

Computer Room

This Computer room is part of the Langara library building. It did not draw our attention during our first visit of Langara college.While in the second time, this bright and clean room immediately caught our eyes when we passing by.We found that most computers in Langara College are iMacs.In our mind, Apple is a brand stands for high quality and of course, expensive . We assumed that langara would be a college pursues excellent education style and trying to provides facilitative learning devices to students.However, we also guessed that the tuition fee of langara college may beyond our imagination……

Walk Into the Library

Like every university library, collection of Langara college library is very rich, especially in science and English language study references. We found that most of the books are recent years' publications. The library facilities are also well supplied, including study rooms, presentation practice rooms, computers, labs and printers, photocopies and so on. This year, their Study space opens until 10p.m. in the library building in weekdays after the Library closes. The online library service is very convenience too. On the web site, we can search for books, academic journals, electronic magazines and digital resources on varieties of subjects. They also provides free help with the citation styles most commonly used in Canadian universities. Langara college near our three group members' home very much, we directly benefit from the convenient service of its library. As the information desk staff in the library said to us:" This is an open library welcomes everyone." If you want to know more about the Langara College library, please refer to the following link: 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Child Care Centre

That was the second time we came there.Unfortunately, it was raining like last time. We were walking though the buildings and tried to shelter from the rain. On the way, we heard the laughter from young kids. We walked approaching and found a child Care Center. Why is there a kindergarten located in a college? We found the reasons through the staff that numerous mothers went to college studying in North America and no one will take care of their babies if they left them home. It is interesting for me because in my mind it’s hard to connect child care centre to schools.

Enthusiastic people

Across the electric gate, we came to the main lobby where is bright and spacious. Some was studying individually, while some was having a heated discussion in groups which we found interesting. Usually in China, the library is quiet all the time, so group studying is seldom seen in library. When we were going to take a photo for them, we seemed to have been noticed by them because the discussion stopped and everyone turned to us. Luckily, they didn’t seem to be angry. On the contrary, they posed in order to in line with us. What a warm group of people! If it happens in China, there must be two possible reflections: indifference or angry. In fact, I was a little overwhelmed at that time. Fortunately, revese finished taking photos calmly.